Surrogate Mothers

You can help

Pay it Forward

“Every Surrogate Mother is unique; All altruistic Mothers are welcome.”

Surrogacy is Legal in Canada. Our team will support and guide you through the amazing and altruistic journey of helping your intended parents.

We are honoured that you are here reading our surrogate mother page.


What do we expect from surrogate mothers? 

– No history of serious pregnancy/delivery/postpartum complications
– No history of premature birth
– Have good support system(Your family supportive of your surrogacy journey)
– Have had at least one child
– Be willing to travel out of your area of residence (with a travel companion paid for by the Intended Parents) to a fertility clinic

*Please note that clinic requirements may vary  from those expectations.

Basic Qualifications of a Surrogate Mother :


Be within a certain age range. 21-45


Have a healthy BMI of 30 or less


willing to undergo phychosocial and medical assessments


willing to follow medical protocols


Have at least one previous successful pregnancy


Have no history of postpartum depression


Willing to undergo criminal background check


have stable life style and support

Contact us today!

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